Altar Servers
For children who want to become an altar server they must meet certain requirements, a child or person must have made their First Communion and is a practicing Catholic. We ask that parents participate in this ministry if a child is within the age of 7-13 to help their children in this ministry. (i.e. attending Mass, practicing the Sacrament of Reconciliation regularly and often.) The altar server can be a boy or girl who is willing to assist the priest and deacon during the Holy Mass. They are described as leaders of Prayer in the example of the Holy Angels that surround the sanctuary in the presence of Christ and as the Word of God is proclaimed to the congregation. This ministry helps teach the children good moral values that will last a lifetime. Many children who grew up serving have also been called to vocations of the priesthood and religious life.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Also known as a minister of Holy Communion. To be an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist one must be a practicing Catholic (i.e. coming to Mass on a regular basis including Holy Days of Obligation and attending the Sacrament of Reconciliation). Also, one must have a criminal background check. Extraordinary ministers assist the priest and deacon during the Holy Mass after the priest has completed the consecration of the Bread and Wine which is called the Transubstantiation. They help distribute Holy Communion to the congregation and in special cases to the homebound and those who are in hospitals and nursing homes. There are required classes that a person being called to this ministry must take. If you have a calling to this Ministry please contact Cheryl Martinez 830-393-2470 who is the Extraordinary Minister
Also called Lectors, in life certain people are given the gift to become public speakers. A person who has a calling to proclaim the word of God has been given a gift by the Holy Spirit to read God's Word to those in our parish and to the congregation on Sundays, Holy Days of Obligation and other special celebrations. A person receiving this call must attend a training class held twice a year, given by the coordinator for readers. For more information please contact Proclaimers of the Word
These ministers of hospitality are responsible for greeting and welcoming people as they come to Mass, taking the collections, seeing that people find seats in the assembly space, and directing parishioners during communion or other processions. Ushers also check the over-all tidiness of the church before the next Mass begins and for dealing with any emergencies that occur during the celebration of the Masses. Candidates should be willing to undergo training for this ministry, and commit to serving at their Mass on a regular basis. Any man or woman, high school age and older is invited to join in this ministry. For information, please contact Deacon John Bosquez, Frances Coulters
Church Environment Committee
The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy states that all artists, who in view of their talents, desire to serve God's glory in holy mother Church should ever bear in mind that they are engaged in a kind of sacred imitation of God the Creator, and are concerned with works destined for use in Catholic worship and for edification, devotion, and religious instruction of the faithful. The Church Environment Committee of Sacred Heart Parish strives to provide an atmosphere conducive to the sacred worship of God by providing a clean and comfortable environment in which to worship. Banners, candles and other ornamentation are provided for each season of the liturgical year to remind those present of the time in the life of Christ that we are celebrating. If you would like to join this committee.
Music Ministry
The purpose of the liturgy is to "proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes". And a proclamation is only half a proclamation if it is merely recited; that's why we sing. To help us sing, God has blessed us with individuals who use their voices and instruments to lead, inspire and accompany our song. If God is telling you that it's time to share your musical talent, introduce yourself to the cantor or accompanist at the Mass you customarily attend. We need dedicated, dependable people to help us in the Music Ministry.